

"We are able to offer a platform for members in our program to compete at the highest level of collegiate esports while continuing to grow as students at a premier university."

Danny O'Connell
Program Coordinator


Varsity Teams
Total Wins

More Than A Game

Since 2019, KU's varsity Esports team excels in Rocket League, Valorant, Overwatch, and League of Legends, bringing a competitive gaming edge to campus. Beyond victories, they foster a vibrant gaming culture, uniting students through shared passion for esports.


Esports in Action

Working to Expand

Expanded varsity program to include Super Smash Bros Ultimate. In addition to competing in Overwatch, Rocket League, League of Legends and Valorant.

Serving The Community

Collaborating with the KU Smash Club, we hosted the largest Smash Bros tournament in Kansas. Sweet Spot 7 welcomed 400 in-person attendees and over 95k viewers online.
Esports in Action

Working Towards the Top

Kansas Esports is one of 16 teams that qualified for Collegiate Rocket League (CRL) out of over 500 competitors.

"Kansas Esports provides students with the opportunity to compete against other universities at the national stage. All while they pursue a high quality education and develop critical skills in and out of their games." - Danny O'Connell, Program Coordinator

Esports Member

Learn More About ESPORTS

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