Event Services

"Event Services is here to ensure all event needs, from room reservations to catering and set-up details, are tailor-made to your specific requests. We are excited to help your organization make the Unions their home! Rock Chalk!"



Step-By-Step Booking Instructions
1. Register through Rock Chalk Central - As a student organization on campus, you must be registered through Rock Chalk Central to request a space within the Kansas Memorial Union. If you have any questions regarding this process, contact the Student Involvement and Leadership Center (SILC)
2. Build a Personal Profile with Us - You must request an account with Event Services to reserve a space with us.
3. Consider Your Venue - View our Meeting and Event Spaces Guide to choose the venue that best fits your needs.
4. Choose Your Menu - View the Catering Guide to choose the perfect menu for you and your guests.
5. Review Our Policies - View the Kansas Union Policies to ensure no extra fees or cancellations.
6. Book your Event - Once your account is approved and you have completed the above steps, book your space through EMS. Order Catering by emailing Event Services. (Please note that catering requests are required 12 business days in advance or subject to a rush charge)
1. Build a Personal Profile with Us - You must request an account with Event Services to reserve a space with us.
2. Consider Your Venue - View our Meeting and Event Spaces gallery to choose the venue that best fits your needs.
3. Choose Your Menu - View the Catering Guide to choose the perfect menu for you and your guests.
4. Review Our Policies - View the Kansas Union Policies to ensure no extra fees or cancellations.
5. Book your Event - Once your account is approved and you have completed the above steps, book your space through EMS. Order Catering by emailing Event Services. (Please note that catering requests are required 12 business days in advance or subject to a rush charge)
1. Consider Your Venue - View our Meeting and Event Spaces gallery to choose the venue that best fits your needs.
2. Choose Your Menu - View the Catering Guide to choose the perfect menu for you and your guests.
3. Review Our Policies - View the Kansas Union Policies to ensure no extra fees or cancellations.
4. Email Us - Email eventservices@ku.edu to book your event. In your email, you should include the following information:
- Event name:
- Attendee makeup of event (student/faculty/staff/outside):
- Time and date:
- Is there an attendance charge:
- Organization/Department:
- Catering needs (Please note that catering requests are required 12 business days in advance or subject to a rush charge):
- Number of people:
- Event Description:
- Preferred Room setup (classroom, theater, conference, etc.):
- AV needs (mic(s), projector):
1. Choose Your Menu - View the Catering Guide to choose the perfect menu for you and your guests.
2. Review Our Policies - View the Kansas Union Policies to ensure no extra fees or cancellations.
3. Email Us - Email eventservices@ku.edu to book your event. In your email, you should include the following information:
- Event name:
- Attendee makeup of event (student/faculty/staff/outside):
- Time, date, location (Please note that catering requests must be for Lawrence campus events)
- Is there an attendance charge:
- Organization/Department:
- Catering needs (Please note that catering requests are required 12 business days in advance or subject to a rush charge):
- Number of people:
- Event Description:


Danforth Chapel is nondenominational and provides a quiet place for individual meditation and prayer as well as weddings, student organization gatherings, and other special occasions.