Event Policies and Procedures

"We believe that clear and consistent policies and procedures are essential for maintaining a high level of quality and service in our industry."



Policies and Procedures
All requests are subject to the availability of service. We encourage you to submit event information and menu selection prior to 12 business days of the event. If an event is added or changed between 4-12 business days a late fee of 20% will be assessed. For events requested within 4 full business days a 50% late fee will be assessed if the change can be accommodated.
Notify the Event Services staff in advance of any decorating plans. All exits must be free of obstruction; exit signs must remain clearly visible. All paper materials must be fire retardant. The maintenance technician must approve any extensive building system requirements (electrical, structural). Only shatterproof twinkle lights may be used for decorations. Nothing is to be taped on or driven into walls, floors, ceilings or tables. Use of glitter, confetti, sand and the like are not permitted. All decorations must be removed by the conclusion of the event. Damage to property will be billed to the sponsoring organization at the cost to repair.
Candles used in the building must be approved by the KU Memorial Union. Candles must not drip nor smoke and must be enclosed in holders to catch any wax. Tapers with paper ring holders are not permitted. Wax cleanup charges will be billed to the group.
Event Services can assist with preparing directional signage for your event at Union facilities as requested. Non-Union signage affixed to surfaces, placed in interior entrances or walkways, or placed outside the buildings is not permitted.
Additional Services
- A/V Technician: $50
- Custodian: $25
- Electrician: $100
- Event Supervisor: $25
- AV Technician: $25
- Piano Tuner: $100
- Special Stage Setup: $75
- Unauthorized Room Reset: $25
Biling of Charges
An invoice will be sent following the event. Payments are due within 30 days after receipt of an invoice. For questions, call 785-864-2407.
Any organization with past due accounts (past 60 days) may be denied access until past due bills are paid in full.
Cleaning/Damaging Fees
Behaviors or use of materials that present excessive cleanup protocols or damage property, are not permitted in the Kansas Union, Burge Union, or DeBruce Center. Applicable repair or replacement costs will be billed for any such damage.
Nonrefundable deposits are required in order to secure a reservation for space for groups not affiliated with KU. The nonrefundable deposit will equal half of the total room rental charges due. The deposit will be applied to any charges associated with the event.
Extended Hours
Selective Opening Charge: $500, to open the event facility on a day when it is normally closed. Add additional extended hours charges at $100/hour if over 8 hours.
Extended Hours Charge: $100 per hour, to open the building early or stay after normal closing time. Requests for extended hours must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event date.
All events must end no later than 12 a.m. Events ending past 12 a.m. are subject to the Non-Routine Events Standard Operating Procedure; see the Non-Routine Events Standard Operating Procedure section for details.
Room Rental Fees
University departments will be assessed room and equipment rental, at the university rate, if either of the following is true. Registered student organizations will be assessed room rental, at the university rate, if either of the following is true:
- There is an admission charge or registration fee
- Less than 50% of the people attending the event are current KU students, faculty and staff.
Registered student organizations will not be charged room rental when the event participation of non-KU individuals/groups is the result of a service learning opportunity for the student organization's members.
Groups requesting access to space beyond the particular event date(s) will be assessed room rental at the university rate for those meeting rooms.
Outside organizations sponsored by university departments and/or registered student organizations may qualify for the reduced university room and equipment rental rates. See Sponsorship of non-KU Groups.
Purchase Orders
With few exceptions, campus departments process payment of goods/services through a KU Shared Service Center. For those departments, a purchase order will be required prior to booking your event. Contact your SSC Accounting Specialist to generate the purchase order.
Purchase orders are not required for charges payable 100% through KU Endowment or other such affiliated or external funding sources.
Should the actual charges exceed the initial estimate of charges on the PO, please contact your SSC for a change order as soon as the excess charges are known.
Shipping and Receiving
The Client is responsible for the arrangements and all expenses involved with the shipping of materials, merchandise, exhibits, and any other items the Client arranges to move to and/or from KU Memorial Union facilities. The KU Memorial Union must be notified in advance of shipping arrangements to ensure proper acceptance of these items upon arrival at the facility. The KU Memorial Union is not responsible for lost or stolen items. No COD packages will be accepted. If KU Memorial Union staff receives a package for a group using our meeting space and no arrangements for storage have been made, a $5 per box charge will be assessed. A conference room must be reserved for the storage of the shipments at least 1 day prior to the event and until the event has concluded. The group will be charged room rental at the University rate for the storage space regardless of campus affiliation. In the case of early shipments, a $5 per box charge will be assessed if the box precedes the reservation for the storage space.
Please address all packages to:
Kansas Union – Room 476
Attn: Your Event’s Name AND your KU Memorial Union Event Coordinator
1301 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045
Burge Union – Room 1045
Attn: Your Event’s Name AND your KU Memorial Union Event Coordinator
1565 Irving Hill Rd. Lawrence, KS 66045
Event cancellations that include catering services require at least 72 hours’ notice or charges will be assessed.
Inclement Weather
Inclement weather may pre-empt events scheduled in Union facilities. The Union reserves the right to cancel events should conditions require as much.
Multiple Rooms
For university departments/non KU entities holding multiple rooms on a particular date, cancellations for all or part of the reserved space must be received at least 60 days prior to the event date. Cancellations received within 60 days of the event date will be billed the university room rental rate, directly to the university department or entity, for the cancelled spaces.
If spaces are cancelled within 48 hours of the booking, or the meeting room is not used on the day of the event - a $100 fee per meeting room, in addition to the applicable room rental charge, will be billed directly to the university department or entity.
Registered student groups are excluded from this policy.
When a group or individual does not utilize a meeting room reservation and does not cancel the space in advance by contacting Event Services, the group or individual has committed a “no show” and is subject to the following: Warnings will be issued for the first and second no-show. A third no show will prompt all remaining semester reservations to be canceled and no additional reservations will be permitted for the remainder of the semester.
Cancellations need to be made at least 24 hours in advance. Saturday, Sunday and Monday cancellations need to be made by 3 p.m. the Friday before.
Right to Cancel
The KU Memorial Union reserves the right to cancel a reservation if it conflicts with the Unions standard operating procedures or University, local, state, federal laws, policies and procedures regarding meetings on campus, or in case of an emergency.
Entertainment and Vendors
The KU Memorial must be notified of all entertainment and outside vendors for events. A copy of all entertainment technical requirements and all outside vendor contracts must be supplied to the KU Memorial Union.
Internet Access
The Kansas Union, Burge Union, and DeBruce Center offer wireless internet access in all public and reservable locations. The “Jayhawk” network requires a KU online ID to access. The “Guest” network does not require a KU Online ID but does require an acceptance of terms. The “Guest” network is restricted to internet browsing only (http protocol).
Movies/TV Show Copyright
When you want to show a film, video, or TV program at an event, you have to consider the rights of the those who own the copyright to the work. This consideration must be made regardless of who owns the video or where you obtained it. Copyright owners have certain rights, which are commonly known as public performance rights (PPR).
Typically, you can't legally show a movie to the public unless you obtain a public performance license from the copyright owner. You can obtain a public performance license by either contacting the copyright holder directly or by licensing from entities set up specifically for the purposes of licensing movies, such as Swank Motion Pictures or the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation.
Copyright approval must be received by Event Services at least two business days in advance of your event.
Guest parking is available in the Mississippi Street, Central District and Allen Fieldhouse Garages. Rates are $1.75 for the first hour; $1.50 for each subsequent hour. There are separate parking restrictions for certain events at KU. For more information see Event Parking.
Political Activity
Because the University is a state-supported institution, there are certain state laws, Board of Regents policies, and University policies that govern the ways in which members of the University community may participate in partisan political activity and use University resources in support of such activities. To find more information, please see KU's Political Policy and the Application for Political Use of Universities Facilities.
Any security arrangements, outside of those staffed by KU Public Safety, for events occurring in KU Memorial Union facilities must be approved by the KU Memorial Union at least ten business days prior to the event in question. In the absence of such approval, the event in question may be subject to cancellation. The KU Memorial Union reserves to right to prohibit, cancel or suspend any event when it is determined that an unreasonable risk to the security and/or safety of the facility and/or its patrons exists.
Assignments of Reservations
The KU Memorial Union is responsible for the space management of the Kansas Union, Burge Union, and the DeBruce Center. To that end, the lobbying or coercion of reservation holders by organizations seeking meeting space will not be tolerated and may result in the revocation of space reservation privileges by the organization. Space may not be reassigned to other groups by the group holding the reservation.
Collection/Donation Areas
The KU Memorial Union offers a donation collection area available to be reserved for up to 14 consecutive days by registered student organizations and university departments under the following circumstances.
The collection receptacle:
- may not exceed 21” in depth and 28” in width.
- has signage that identifies the sponsoring organization/department as well as the organization the proceeds are to benefit.
Management responsibilities include daily collection and monitoring by the organization/department to assure the receptacle does not overflow or collect unwanted items. Failure to meet these protocols will result in the immediate removal of the receptacle and suspension of further reservations of these locations in the future.
The Kansas Union location is across from the Union Programs Office on Level 4. The Burge Union location is on the east side of The Coffee House area. \
Contact Person
To assure the best communication possible, one contact person should be designated to make the arrangements for the group to avoid conflicting details. For student organizations, this one contact person must be listed as an officer of your organization on Rock Chalk Central.
Hawks Nest Reservations
The Hawks Nest is located on Level 1, Kansas Union. The Hawks Nest can be reserved after 5pm weekdays and on weekends with the understanding that the space remains open to the public at all times.
Individual Reservations
Individual reservations are available for current students, faculty and staff and are limited to the alcoves located on level 3 of the Kansas Union.
- All reservation requests are subject to approval. Requests will be processed between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday. If you would like to request conference room same-day space usage after 5 pm or during the weekend, call the Union Events Services staff at 785-864-2444 to check room availability.
Live Music/Performances
To minimize disruption, live music/performance locations will be supported under time, place and manner restrictions.
Non-Routine Events
Non-routine events are events that impact areas beyond the union, have special service and/or facilities requirements and present potential safety and security issues. Events that present such issues will be shared with impacted KU units, particularly KU Public Safety for safety and security review. All events in KU Memorial Union operated facilities must be consistent with the Board of Regents Policy Manual as it relates to use of campus facilities and interference with conduct of the institution.
See KU Memorial Union Standard Operating Procedures for Non-Routine Events
Political Activity
Because the University is a state-supported institution, there are certain state laws, Board of Regents policies, and University policies that govern the ways in which members of the University community may participate in partisan political activity and use University resources in support of such activities. To find more information, please see KU's Political Policy and the Application for Political Use of Universities Facilities.
Rain Sites
Registered student organizations and University departments may reserve a rain location for events at the university room rental rate for each space reserved. Non-KU groups will be charged at the standard room rental rate. Rain location charges are non-refundable. The final determination of the location for the event must be made no less than six (6) hours prior to the start of the event. Rain site fees are assessed whether the rain site is used or not.
Rain sites are not permitted for events where control of room capacity and prohibited items (non-Union food, alcohol and other beverages) cannot be maintained. Rain sites for outdoor major events, especially events without a ticket system, cannot be accommodated.
Rallies, Protests and Demonstrations
The purpose of this operating procedure is to establish procedures for rallies, protests, demonstrations and public assemblies (hereafter “activity”), that allow for the freedom to assemble and exchange views without disrupting the mission or daily functions of the KU Memorial Union. Subject to the reasonable restrictions set forth below, an individual or group wishing to protest at an event may do so as long as such action does not disrupt or obstruct the event, hinder the free expression involved in the event, or preclude the audience’s right to attend or participate in the event.
This procedure applies to KU Memorial Union facilities to include the Kansas Union, Burge Union, and DeBruce Center interiors and the surrounding grounds. Additional information may be found in the KU Memorial Union Standard Operating Procedures available upon request.
Recurring Events and Meetings
Recurring meetings are scheduled one semester at a time. Registered student organizations may submit requests for one recurring meeting for the next semester on the Monday following fall break week or the Monday immediately after spring break. Student organizations may request additional meeting spaces on the Monday of the third week of classes for the current semester.
Requests for special, one-time events may be considered outside of these time parameters and in consultation with Event Services. Considerations include scope of event, continuity of program coordination and quantity of space requested. Tentative holds will be limited to two dates while planning progresses.
Fall semester meeting requests require registering the organization for the new school term. Until the organization is recognized for the new academic year, rooms can only be reserved while the registration process with the Student Involvement & Leadership Center is open. After the process is closed, only student organizations registered with the Student Involvement & Leadership Center can utilize meeting rooms. The Union reserves the right to make room changes in order to maximize building usage.
For special events and performances in the facilities of the KU Memorial Union, groups may schedule one rehearsal date when making the initial reservation. Additional rehearsal times may be scheduled, space permitting, within two weeks of the event date. Sound checks must be made without disturbance to other groups in the building.
Scheduling during Finals
No University organization shall schedule events or meetings that require student participation during the final examination period, including Stop Day. Exceptions are allowed for local events or meetings that are scheduled between noon Saturday and 6:00 p.m. Sunday. A committee that must meet during the final examination period to resolve an academic issue may meet only at a time mutually convenient to all members. No other exceptions allowed unless by explicit direction of the Chancellor. (University Senate Rules and Regulations 1.3.7)
Selective Openings of The Market, KU Dining
The Market at the Kansas Union has established a fee schedule for weekend selective openings:
- 2.5 hour minimum
- Option 1: Breakfast 8am-10:30am
- Option 2: Lunch 11am-1:30pm
Per option:
- Sales exceeding $750 - no charge to open
- Sales between $500 and $749 - $250 to open
- Sales below $500 - $500 to open.
Fees will be assessed on the event invoice after sales results are tabulated. Customer requests beyond this scope will be promptly reviewed and determined by KU Dining Services.
Set-Up Needs
Several of our rooms (such as in the Kansas Union, all Alcoves, Curry, Governors, International, and Regionalist) have what is termed a “standard setup.” These rooms are often reserved back to back. Moving tables in these rooms is prohibited. Reset charges will be billed to the responsible organization.
Special room setups should be requested no later than 72 hours before the event. Extra labor charges may be assessed for any extraordinary, last minute changes.
Seating will be limited to the designated capacity for each room and availability of chairs.
The sponsoring organization must provide information on stage setup needs for the Ballroom (Kansas Union) and Forum (Burge Union). In the interest of safety, day of alteration of the stage setup is prohibited. If a special stage setup is needed, additional fees may apply.
Table reservations are made on a first-come, first served basis. Event Services reserves the right to reassign table placements to maximize table availability. Tabling is available at specific locations assigned by Event Services:
- Kansas Union 4th Floor Jayhawk Walk
- Burge Union Lobby Bench
- DeBruce Center Level 1
- Kansas Union Ascher Plaza
- Burge Union Northeast Plaza
Info tables will be scheduled up to 10 days at a time. An off‑campus vendor is limited to 5 days per semester. A sign must be posted with the sponsoring organization and outside entity’s name, if applicable. All tables must be staffed with the organization’s volunteers, and they must remain behind the table. Standing in front of the table to distribute information is not permitted. Organization representatives may not leave the established area to approach nor solicit patrons.
Space limitations: Tables are 6' x 30" with two chairs behind the table. The group’s inventory must be limited to the space above and below the assigned table. The assigned floor space will be 5 feet by 6 feet area. Sound amplification is not permitted.
Table assignments are non-transferable. In case of inclement weather, groups tabling outside may not move their tables inside or under the Kansas Union front arches due to space limitations and safety. Call 785-864-2444 to see if inside tabling is available. All materials must be removed at the end of each day. Items left behind will be discarded. The KU Memorial Unions assumes no responsibility for personal or organizational items lost, stolen, or damaged. One warning will be given for an organization's failure to comply with tabling policies. Booking privileges may be revoked for a second violation.
Alcohol Policy
Under circumstances permissible by state statutes and regulations of the Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control, official university units and university-affiliated organizations may serve, sell, or otherwise provide alcoholic liquor or permit consumption of alcoholic liquor in designated non-classroom areas on university campuses in connection with approved official university events, fundraising activities for university programs, and non-university events sponsored by cultural, governmental, or business organizations, or by individuals representing Kansas or university constituents. More information on the universities alcohol policy can be found on the Alcohol Service at Events policy page, in KU's Catering Guide (pdf) (Including Bar Prices), and the Alcoholic Beverage Request Form.
Food Policy
KU Dining Services is the official, licensed, and contracted food and beverage purveyor for the University of Kansas – Lawrence campus and affiliates. Kansas Athletics Inc. (KAI) and KU Student Housing provide food and beverage within their own facilities and maintain separate contracts for food and beverage services.
Food and beverages cannot be sold or given away on campus without approval from KU Dining Services. KU Dining Services shall be the sole provider of all food and beverages sold or given away at events in all University facilities and for all University sponsored events (including fund-raisers) on the Lawrence campus. All food, including snack items, and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) must be purchased through KU Dining Services for events in all University facilities and for all University sponsored events (including fund-raisers) unless exception is granted.
Banners may be hung from the ceiling hooks on Jayhawk Walk in the Kansas Union. All banners must promote university-related events; priority given to events held in the Union.
Indoor banners on Jayhawk Walk: $10/day, minimum of $20; maximum size: 2’ high x 15’ wide. Grommets (with ½” holes) should be placed (at minimum) in the upper left and right corners of the banner. Printing may be on both sides. Time limit is one week.
University units and student and campus organizations that are registered with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center are permitted to chalk on the property of the University or its affiliate organizations in order to publicize events they are sponsoring or to promote student participation in University events. Any other individual or group wishing to chalk on the property of the University or its affiliated organizations must obtain permission in advance from the Office of Event Management and Protocol.
See Full Posting Of Materials And Sidewalk Chalking Policy
Film, Video and Photography
The university requires prior permission for use of the university’s property or image in commercial or other non-university film, video or photography projects.
- Marketing Communications will facilitate the request with appropriate offices and units, such as the University Events Committee, Trademark Licensing, General Counsel, Parking and Transit and Public Safety.
- Entities seeking access to the campus or campus buildings for such purposes should submit their requests to Marketing Communications well in advance of an anticipated shoot date.
- Marketing Communications will be the point of contact for communicating general required procedures to the requesting entity.
See Media Guidelines and Practices
Sales and Solicitation
Sales activities must comply with the following requirements:
- All sale activities require review and approval to assure that the sales activities are not in conflict with Union mission, and/or are detrimental to Union sales, services and/or business partners.
- When the University's name or logo is used, permission must be received from the University Trademark Licensing Administrator.
- Appropriate sales tax collection is the responsibility of the group conducting the sales effort.
- Vendors may not leave established area to approach or solicit patrons via interaction or material distribution.
- Commercial and/or for-profit entities may explore promotional opportunities through a sponsorship agreement to the extent that the promotion does not include elements that are in conflict with Union mission, and/or are detrimental to Union sales, services and/or business partners.
The Kansas Union has two public bulletin boards. One is located near the southwest stairs on Level 3; the other is located in the south main entrance. The Burge Union has two public bulletin boards. One is located in the north lobby hallway; the other is located on the east wall near The Coffee House.
Flyers and notices may be posted in these locations. The boards are cleared on Fridays. Flyers may not be posted on walls and/or doorways, in restroom stalls and/or elevators, nor left in stacks in the building. Clean-up fees may be assessed to organizations violating the posting policy. Materials left in the building will be removed and discarded.
Event Services can assist with preparing directional signage for your event at Union facilities as requested. Non-Union signage affixed to surfaces, placed in interior entrances or walkways, or placed outside the buildings are not permitted.
University departments and registered student organizations have the option to sponsor non-KU group use of the KU Memorial Union facilities. In this case, the organization being sponsored will be charged at the university rate for space and equipment rental. Those rates can be found on the Room Descriptions & Rates Page.
The sponsoring organization assumes responsibility for the non-KU group activity to include policy compliance, event charges and damages. The sponsored organization will be invoiced for any services associated with the event. Any charges that are 90 plus days overdue become the responsibility of the sponsoring organization. A contact person for the sponsoring and sponsored organization must be designated. It is highly recommended that both contacts be part of the planning process and be present at the event. The completion of the sponsorship agreement form is also required.
Priority goes to university departments and registered organizations. Individual-use meeting room reservations (Alcove conference rooms only) are also available to current KU students, faculty and staff up to seven days in advance.
External organizations and individuals have access to the facilities after campus needs are met. External organizations may be permitted to use Union facilities provided that the proposed use conforms to Board of Regents policies, is appropriate, and does not interfere with the academic, research, or other mission-related functions of the institution.
See University Facilities, Use by External Organizations or Entities, Policy and Procedures.
Internet Access
The Kansas Union, Burge Union, and DeBruce Center offer wireless internet access in all public and reservable locations. The “Jayhawk” network requires a KU online ID to access. The “Guest” network does not require a KU Online ID but does require an acceptance of terms. The “Guest” network is restricted to internet browsing only (http protocol).
Outside Entity Tabling Requests
- All sale activities require review and approval to assure that the sales activities are not in conflict with Union mission, and/or are detrimental to Union sales, services and/or business partners.
- When the University's name or logo is used, permission must be received from the University Trademark Licensing Administrator.
- Appropriate sales tax collection is the responsibility of the group conducting the sales effort.
- Commercial and/or for-profit entities may explore promotional opportunities through a sponsorship agreement to the extent that the promotion does not include elements that are in conflict with Union mission, and/or are detrimental to Union sales, services and/or business partners.
- A $20 per day fee is charged to the campus organization sponsoring outside entities. Groups not sponsored by a campus organization will be charged $200 a day. Any rental charges are to be paid in advance. Rental fees are non-refundable.
School Field Trips
Space for field trip luncheons is available for reservation seven days in advance of your group’s visit. If reserving space in advance of this time frame is necessary, standard room rental fees will be applied. Check space availability by contacting Event Services at 785-864-2444; eventservices@ku.edu. Should space be available, please dispose of all trash in the receptacles provided. Rooms, if available, may be reserved for a maximum of three hours.