Reserving the Chapel:
Danforth Chapel is open to the public from 8a-5p, Monday thru Friday. Groups may use the facility during this time if the chapel remains accessible to the general public during use.
Reservations for Danforth Chapel are available through the KU Memorial Union Event Services office by calling (785) 864-2444 or emailing us at Student organizations may reserve the chapel for a private event from 5-7p Monday-Thursday.
Reservations are subject to cancellation in the event of any campus closure, in whole or in part, or for any cause beyond the University’s control, including orders, actions, regulations, or recommendations of local, state, or federal governmental authorities, including public health officials, that limit or restrict the size or manner of public gatherings.
*Reservations are subject to cancellation in the event of any campus closure, in whole or in part, or for any cause beyond the University’s control, including orders, actions, regulations, or recommendations of local, state, or federal governmental authorities, including public health officials, that limit or restrict the size or manner of public gatherings.