K.U.W.Y.C.A. Ideals

The Ideal Jayhawker
Friday, March 14, 1913
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 14, 1913:
"Kansas University Co-eds who are members of the K.U. Y.W.C.A. have outlined a code of ideals to which they would have the young men of Kansas measure up. In a list of nine requirements they have prescribed for his every-day life in such a manner that the straight and narrow path seems easy walking. And the reward shall be that he shall be known as an 'ideal.' Perhaps there will be other rewards, perhaps some of the fair co-eds who aided in compiling the above set of regulations have designs upon these 'ideals.'Anyway the code seems a very good one and while sometimes it may be found hard to follow it might be well for all young Jayhawkers to have a copy at hand for ready reference. While the girls haven't expressed their intentions of 'cutting' any of the stronger sex who fail to come up to the requirements they hope that their standard will be given some close attention by the young men who call on Friday evenings."
"The Ideal Jayhawker. He must make a good appearance, but need not be handsome. Careful in personal appearance, but not a 'dandy.' Jolly, accommodating, considerate, and a true sportsman. He must be a good conversationalist and realize that a girl is not flattered by having nonsense talked to her all the time. Show reverence and respect to the aged. Show the same gentlemanliness with men as with women. Not smoke or drink or be guilty of the attendant evils. These are vigorously denounced. Not sneer at religion or joke lightly about it. Recognize no two standards for men and women."