Memorial Drive war memorials

Campus War Memorials

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1 - Vietnam War Memorial

On May 25, 1986, the KU Vietnam Memorial in Marvin Grove became the nation’s first on-campus commemorative honoring those who died in America’s longest war. This memorial, like the one in the nation’s capital, sought not to make political statements, but rather to “separate the war from the warriors.”

vietnam memorial

2 - Korean War Memorial

This memorial commemorates the conflict that began on June 25, 1950 when North Korean military forces crossed the 38th Parallel and launched a massive invasion of South Korea.

korean war memorial

3 - World War II Memorial Carillon and Campanile

On May 27, 1951, thousands gathered atop Mount Oread to dedicate the Memorial Carillon and Campanile in honor of the 277 KU men and women who had given their lives in World War II. At 4:30 p.m., the carillon’s 53 bells rang out for the first time.

carillon interior ceiling

4 - Memorial Stadium

Memorial Stadium was officially dedicated on November 11, 1922. Along with the Kansas Union, it is an official memorial to the KU men and women who lost their lives during the First World War.

Memorial Stadium

5 - Victory Eagle

The Victory Eagle for Douglas County stands in front of Dyche Museum of Natural History on the campus of The University of Kansas in Lawrence. The eagle originally stood at the Douglas-Leavenworth county line northeast of town. The eagle was saved from the scrap yard and moved in 1980.

Victory eagle

6 - Kansas Memorial Union

The ceremonial laying of the cornerstone of the Kansas Memorial Union signified the culmination of a seven-year effort to create a fitting memorial to KU’s WWI casualties.

Kansas Memorial Union